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ASFP Seminar – September 2022

At Gunfire, we believe in investing in our staff’s skills, knowledge, experience, and behaviours to provide the best possible service to our clients. That’s why we were thrilled to have our Managing Director Tom Laws, Operations Director James Reid, and Head of Compliance Peter Thompson attend the Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) September Seminar at Aviva Headquarters in London.

The seminar was an opportunity to reinforce our knowledge about the Building Safety Act and to learn more about the latest developments in fire safety. It was a productive and informative event, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to continue our education in the industry.

At Gunfire, we believe in #RaisingTheBar in the industry, and investing in our staff’s skills and knowledge is a key part of achieving that goal. Tom, James, and Peter will now prepare and deliver internal team presentations to share the learning throughout the business. This will ensure that all members of our team are up-to-date with the latest developments in fire safety, and can provide our clients with the best possible service.

We want to take this opportunity to thank ASFP for hosting the September Seminar, and for their ongoing work to promote fire safety and raise standards in the industry. We’re proud to be members of this organization and to support their mission.

At Gunfire, we’re committed to promoting fire safety and raising standards in the industry. We believe that investing in our staff’s skills and knowledge is a crucial part of achieving this goal, and we’re proud to have Tom, James, and Peter represent us at the ASFP September Seminar. Thank you to everyone involved, and here’s to continued learning and improvement in the industry.

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