Bath Road






New Build Housing

Scope of Works:

  • Fire stopping to Service Penetrations.

  • Fire stopping to Letterbox Openings above FEDs (Front Entrance Doors).

  • Fire stopping to Cross Corridor Doors and Risers.

  • Fire stopping in communal areas, basements, and car parks.

No. of Fire Seals Completed:



Gunfire was engaged by Higgins to carry out works in Block A of the 3nr new apartment blocks, which involved fire stopping to all service penetrations, including Letterbox Openings above FEDs (Front Entrance Doors), fire stopping to Cross Corridor Doors and Risers, and fire stopping in communal areas, basements, and car parks. Following the excellent performance of the project team in Block A, Gunfire was awarded both Blocks B and C, which also included fire stopping to service penetrations through fire compartment walls within apartments.