Our Services

Fire Risk Assessments

A fire risk assessment is not just important, it’s crucial to ensure the safety of your residents and occupants.

Don’t overlook Fire Risk Assessments! They’re crucial for keeping your building safe. If you are the Responsible Person for commercial or residential buildings with more than five occupants, make sure a fire safety inspection is at the top of your to-do list.

What is a Fire Risk Assessment?

A fire risk assessment is a structured assessment of the potential fire hazards and risks in a building or facility and the actions that can be taken to minimize those risks. The assessment is usually carried out by a trained and competent person and involves a systematic examination of the premises and its surroundings to identify potential fire hazards such as combustible materials, electrical equipment and sources of ignition.

The aim of a fire risk assessment is to identify any deficiencies in the building’s fire safety regulations and make recommendations for improvement. This may include recommendations for fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, evacuation procedures, and other fire safety equipment.

A fire risk assessment is required by law and is an essential step in ensuring the safety of occupants and visitors to a building. It is typically required for all types of buildings, including commercial buildings, residential buildings, and public spaces.

To ensure your fire safety plan is complete, it’s important to keep a written copy. If you’re short on time or expertise, don’t worry! Gunfire’s team of professional assessors can conduct a thorough fire safety inspection for you. You can trust us to handle the fire risk assessment with care and precision.

Fire Risk Assessments and the Law

Undertaking a fire assessment is not only a legal requirement but also a smart investment to safeguard your people and assets. Failure to comply with fire safety regulations can result in hefty fines or even prosecution if a fire breaks out.

According to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, conducting a fire risk assessment is mandatory. As part of our fire risk management strategy, Gunfire will:

  • Identify all potential fire hazards and vulnerable building users
  • Evaluate risks from third-party sources such as builders and contractors
  • Prepare a comprehensive fire safety plan with recommendations for fire safety training

Don’t let fire safety compliance be a burden. Let us help you protect what matters most. Contact us today to schedule your fire risk assessment.

When do you need a Fire Risk Assessment?

A Fire Risk Assessment is necessary for any building or premises, whether it is a commercial, industrial, or residential property. It is a legal requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in the UK, and similar regulations exist in other countries.

A Fire Risk Assessment should be carried out to identify potential fire hazards, evaluate the risk of those hazards causing harm to people, and implement appropriate fire safety measures to mitigate those risks.

Fire Risk Assessments should be carried out whenever there are changes to a building or its use, such as a change in occupancy or alterations to the building’s structure. Additionally, Fire Risk Assessments should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain relevant and up-to-date.

If you need to schedule an assessment, you can contact Gunfire, and we will arrange a fire safety inspection on your behalf.

What should you expect from a Fire Risk Assessment?

The assessment should include:

  • Identification of potential fire hazards and risks.
  • Evaluation of the adequacy and suitability of existing fire safety measures such as fire alarms, extinguishers, emergency lighting, and fire doors.
  • Assessment of the means of escape in the event of a fire.
  • Review of fire safety policies and procedures in place, including staff training and emergency evacuation plans.
  • A report outlining any identified deficiencies and recommendations for remedial actions to be taken.

Are your Fire Risk Assessments up to date? Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us today to discover how we can help.

What kinds of fire risk assessment do you need?

It’s important to note that there are different types of fire risk assessments, and you’ll need to make sure you book the most appropriate for your building.

At Gunfire, we provide four types of fire risk assessment (FRA) ranging from the most basic Type 1 to the most comprehensive Type 4:

Type 1 FRA: common parts only (non-destructive)

A Type 1 inspection is the most common type of FRA and is classified as non-destructive.

During a Type 1 FRA, we’ll check the communal parts of your building, including entry and exit points. We’ll also assess any false ceilings and review fire escape routes. 

We’ll prepare a report with our recommendations for fire safety upgrades and any further fire safety inspections that may be needed.

Type 2 FRA: common parts only (destructive)

A Type 2 FRA is a more in-depth inspection of the common areas of your building. It’s usually a one-off assessment if there’s reason to suspect serious structural flaws that could help a fire to spread rapidly.

Destructive sampling will be required, and a specialist asbestos assessor is needed for buildings pre-dating 2000.

Type 3 FRA: common parts and flats (non-destructive)

A Type 3 FRA is a comprehensive fire safety assessment that covers all common areas and at least a sample of individual dwellings.

It considers all means of escape, fire detection methods, structures and compartmentation. This is a non-destructive assessment suited to rented flats.

Type 4 FRA: common areas and flats (destructive)

Type 4 fire risk assessments are the most comprehensive and involve some destructive sampling. For buildings before 2000, we also use a specialist asbestos assessor.

A Type 4 FRA will only be required in a limited number of circumstances where a serious risk to residents is suspected.

Fire safety compliance: contact Gunfire to arrange your fire risk assessments

At Gunfire, we have the largest field-based compliance team in the industry. As a result, your fire safety assessment is completed to the highest standards by one of our fully-trained fire safety professionals.

No matter what type of fire risk assessment you require, you can feel confident knowing it will be carried out by an experienced and accredited team. Why not contact us today to schedule an inspection and develop a customised fire safety plan?

Third-Party Accreditations

At Gunfire, we know that trust is everything when it comes to selecting a partner for your fire protection business. That’s why we’re committed to providing dependable and precise services that you can rely on. Our dedication to quality is evident in the third-party accreditations we’ve earned in the industry. You can rest assured that with Gunfire, you’re in good hands.