Client: Sheffield City Council
Value: £297,440
Sector: Affordable Housing
No of Fire Seals Completed: 3,662
Scope of Works:
- Fire Stopping to 3 Blocks x 15 Storey Flats
- Fire Stopping to all main central cores
- Fire Stopping to all staircases
- Fire Stopping to Electrical and Service risers
- Fire Stopping services which penetrate compartmentation wall entering existing apartments
- Use of Batt, Mastic, HPE, Wraps and Collars
Description: There is a significant shortfall of affordable homes in Sheffield City Centre. Bidding data suggests that a large proportion of new affordable homes for rent should be one bed properties. However, the
profile of households moving in or to the City Centre suggests two and three bed provision could
also be needed. The affordability issues outlined in relation to the high private rents and the purchase price of larger bed properties suggest that shared ownership may be an attractive option to those looking to
purchase a three or four bed property. Gunfire undertook firestopping at 15 Storey x 3 Blocks of affordable housing for Sheffield City Council including Firestopping to all main central staircases